Friday 14 February 2014

Time to Travel!

This weekend I'm finally leaving Park City to soak up some sun! My school has all of next week off for what we like to call ski week. I'm pretty sure it's for presidents day, but everyone either skies or leaves. I'm going to go to California, and I'm so excited, I can't even! Currently in Park City it's snowing, raining, and cold. But, in California it's warm where I'm going, so I'll be transitioning from cold to hot. For those of you in my position, here are some tips on how and what to pack.
1. Do Your Laundry Before
I know this may sound crazy, but every time I leave for a trip I do my laundry right before I leave. This makes it easier to look at the clothes you wore earlier (probably your favorite clothes) and look at them. Plus, then you can use all your clothes instead of the ones that you haven't worn already.
2. Bring at Least 1 Pair of Pants
Always. Even if your'e going somewhere warm or tropical because you never know. I mean who wants to be cold? I don't. I always bring 1 pair of pants and 1 light sweatshirt if I'm going somewhere warm... Like Now!!
3. Always Bring Moisturizer
 For my trip I got this awesome aloe vera moisturizer from Bat h& Body Works. I always get sunburned, no matter what or where I go.  I'll be tan for a day then I go in the sun again and BAM! I'm red as a tomato. So I'm hoping that this will make my skin feel better after the sun, and moisturize it at the same time.
4. Bring Some Bright Colors!
Whenever I'm going some where warm or tropical I always like to bring some brightly colored nail polish because you never know maybe your nails will chip, or maybe you just want to spice up an outfit with some color! Or I like to bring bright and summery clothes so that I can forget the gloomy weather back home.
5. Make a List
I make a short little list with what I want to pack. The amount of shirt, pants, some small things as well that I don't want to forget. This way I don't forget something while I'm packing because that's when everything slips my mind.  I'll get to the hotel and realize I forgot something major like socks or PJs. Then I have to go buy some and waste my money.  

So there you have it! That's the main outline of what I like to bring, obviously I bring clothes and all the other essentials, but I thought that it would be good to give you guys some of the small details because that's what I always seem to forget.

<3 Megan <3

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