Friday 11 April 2014

What to Pack for an International Flight

Finally we have reached spring break!! I have been waiting for this week since my last break so I am soooo excited! Why? Because tomorrow I will be on my way to PARIS!! There are no words to explain how excited I am. I decided since many people are going on spring break that I would do a blog on what I'm packing. I want to focus this mainly on the plane ride. I mean it's 10 1/2 hours! I've never actually been on a flight that's this long. The only places I've been out of the US is Costa Rica and Mexico, which both don't have super big time changes or long flights. The time change is about 8 hours, so when I land it's gonna be weird, the advice I've gotten is to sleep the entire plan ride, because when I land I'll have missed the night in paris, so that's my plan but we'll see how that goes.

My Bag:
For my carry-on I'm just using my backpack which I got at journeys and it's a Jan Sport bag.

1. Entertainment
Although I plan on sleeping the whole plane ride, I'm gonna want some backup just incase I have trouble sleeping. I'm bringing: my ipod, and a book (Confessions Of A Shopaholic). I'm only bringing my ipod to listen to music, because as I said before, I need to sleep as much as possible to avoid jetlag. Also so I can take pictures in Paris. My book is so that I can read it incase I'm bored and can't sleep. I'm also bringing a cute little Paris journal my friend Stella gave me!

2. All of my essentials
I always bring my main essentials with me such as my phone, my wallet, anything that I need to have with me just in-case my suitcase gets lost. I'm bringing my wallet, but not my phone because I won't be using it internationally.

3. Makeup
So I brought my usual makeup with me on the plane because it is an overnight flight. The makeup I'm bringing includes: Make up wipes to take off makeup before I sleep, mascara, eyeliner, and coverup.

4. Comfort Items
If I'm gonna have to sleep the whole plane ride, then I'm gonna have to be comfortable. So I'm bringing a small neck travel pillow that I got at TJ-Maxx. Also my sunglasses so after the flight I can see in the sun :)

I know it's not a lot, but hey I plan on sleeping most of the time if all goes well. Hope you enjoyed this post and that it gave you some ideas of what to pack in your carry on!

<3 Megan <3

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